Can you really be nobody?
The spiritual journey can feel like a long and arduous one at times. At times thoughts torment and torture. They cry out in pain and scream. They throw a paddy like a small child desperate to be in charge. They try to assert the illusion of control and the belief that there is an “I” that is behind the thoughts, feelings and actions. They have to be in charge.
They have to be talking about something that is real. This ME. This I. This Self. Of course it is there. Right?
However, all that is needed is to watch. This seems easy. It seems simple but it is not. The habit of getting hooked into thought and its topics about imagined people, places and things is the most challenging feat we have to face as a human being. It is not for most. Most want to stay asleep. The contents is appealing. It’s seductive. The chase is still on. I must want, need and have. But for a few they are done.
Watching means seeing things we do not want to see at first. Then it means letting go of things we do not wish to let go of. Along with this it means surrendering to a life that is totally beyond our control. Not so easy huh? No, it is not. Until we begin to see the tyranny of thought. Until we begin to see that IT was never in control or DOING anything at all.
How do we see this? By watching. We watch and see that every supposed action is accompanied by a thought that believes that it predicts, comments and decides. It believes that it is in control. In fact it is just commentary. IT is not doing anything. Action happens regardless of what thought says. Sometimes it is correct and most of the time it is wrong. It ignores that.
Do you really want to see that?
Do you really want to not be doing anything ever again?
Going nowhere, being nobody?
“You” lose everything.
“You” think you want that. But “you” want it as another THING that “you” can have. This is the trap.
Watch, moment to moment as thought comes in and says what will happen next and something else happens entirely. Watch as it tries to plan how it will go and then it happens completely differently.
Are YOU really in there controlling what will happen next or is it just happening?
Is there something inside the body moving it or is IT moving on its own and thought just simply talks over the top?
It has to be seen by you. You have to pay attention and enquire for yourself.
What is it that moves the body? Is it a thought? Or is it just happening and you have no idea how?
Don’t rely on what supposed others have said.
Don’t rely on what thought tells you.
Can you watch it? Detached. Still. Present. Watching thoughts do its thing and the body do its thing and see how they simply do not match up.
Where IS this doer in there?
Where is this YOU?
Are you enquiring internally for what is your Own direct experience or are you collecting information, belief and ideas about it?
Just be still and watch it. Watch it “believe” it is in control.
And then comes the fear. “Who am I now?”
Can you surrender to the answer of no one?
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