Liberation is….
Yesterday the money stopped. The security stopped. The hope stopped. All that remained was potential. Nothing solid remains. No foundations. All gone.
No home, no money, no job, no business, no big dream of what we will build. No partnership. No more promise. The money, the dream, the goal, the enough.
Now there is nothing. It’s all gone.
Did it start up? The worry, the opinions, the judgements, the Fear? The desperate need to make it right for ME, and for everyone? To fix it, to find an answer - to cover up the emotion and the pain? The need to carry everyone and their stories. The need to be working towards success and the dream? The fear.
Are there the questions? What next? What now? What about the kids, the house, the staff, the plan? The panic that would follow. The Fear.
No. There is just this. Just typing on a laptop. Just the sound of the keys clicking, just the sun shining through the window. No one is home. No one is here. No story to run.
It’s strange but it’s not. All that remains is peace. Silence. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. If it does then it begins again. The Fear.
Now... just this. Silence.
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