Selfishness IS the only movement of thought

  "I" always believed very strongly that "I" was a kind person. The story held was that "I" am empathetic, caring and very compassionate. "I" would attempt to support others in any way "I" could emotionally. "I" had a strong sense that "I" was a good, honest and supportive person. 

Then "I" began to enquire into how thought works. Why does it say the things that it does? What is its motive? What is it trying to get, achieve and control? 

On the surface layer. Of course "I" was being caring. Of course "I" was being supportive. But in the exploration of the layers of thought underneath the action and the first layer of story were found to be beliefs of "being right", and of "knowing better". This led to the desire to explore and question more. So if "I" am doing something or saying something because "I" think "I" am being kind or giving my advice or guidance because "I" think I'm being compassionate but under that is the belief that "I know better" and "I am right" or "I am saviour in some way" than is this really compassion and kindness or its it transactional only? What's meant by that? Well if "I" do something because "I" think "I" am right or know better than is that actually coming from a truly kind place or does it have a basis in that way it makes "ME" feel rather than being about the other person at all? Is it REALLY ever about them at all or only about the way that it makes "ME" feel? Check it out for yourselves by asking "WHY?" to each reason and justification thought gives for doing something for someone else or giving advice etc. 

This can be taken further. Pretty much all of our communication is based on opinion and judgements hidden as discussion and conversation. When we talk about another and what they are doing right or wrong, what's behind that really? Where is it coming from really? Is it actually about them or does it allow us to judge another and feel good about it in the process? 

When we begin to really explore thought, its movements and its motivations we see that it is ALWAYS coming from a selfish perspective. It can't HELP but do that. It is in fact it's only manner of operation. It separates, then its compares. In the separation IS the selfishness. When "I" judge someone as uncaring, the judgement of them being uncaring IS uncaring! When I judge someone as being unkind, the judgement of them IS unkind. Thought completely ignore the judgement being created by itself and focuses on the other and what "they" are doing. Thought focuses SO much on people, places and things that it doesn't see how IT functions at all. We have never stopped to question for one minute, "what is this REALLY about?" or "why am I REALLY doing this?" We remain asleep to it believing every single word it says as if it is a truth. 

A belief can never be a truth. In fact they are completely different things. Everything within thought is a belief. Take a look for yourself. Why do "you' do the things that "you" do REALLY? Questions beyond that first reason thought gives as something like "because I'm kind" or "because they need it" and ask "but why?" See where it takes you. "You" may find a truth in there somewhere.  


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